Against The Clock

We hit the ground running with this one. The pressure was on to get this project completed on time. We had 3 days to turn it around. The job involved a lot of self adhesive vinyl, laminating, mounting, posters and some pretty big, double sided 3m x 3m banners and a couple of 15m x 2m. The team pulled together and we came through with the goods. A small hiccup saw a panel missed, but that was fixed by an early Saturday morning phone call and an emergency print completed and installed before opening time.
The self adhesive panels were printed on our LX850 latex printer which allowed fast production which could be handled and finished directly off the machine immediately after printing was completed. This is not possible with a traditional solvent print which needs time to fully dry and out-gas when done correctly. This was a great project to break our new printing machine in with and it performed outstandingly.