Archive: 1, 2010
A Day In The Sun

What a great day! We've endured a lot of aftershocks for nearly two months and this was a welcome break. It was a really good day as the sun shone, the bands played and the ground didn't move. The Band Together concert turned out around 140,000 people. New Zealand has some damn good musicians. Who would have thought The Exponents would be finishing a concert with Christchurch (in cashel street I wait) 25 years after it was recorded. For those who don't know what it was about... Band Together was a free concert for the people of Canterbury which featured some of New Zealand's top musicians. The purpose was to give Cantabrians a day to try to forget about their stress caused by the earthquake and chill out for a day.
True Colours

In previous articles, I covered how we control colour with software and hardware using design programs and the printers. There is another important piece of hardware too. It's a colour matching booth. Not a weird device that you climb inside and lock the door, but rather a station that has special fluorescent tubes that illuminate vertically mounted prints and proofs from above. The big problem to overcome with manual hardcopy matching of colour is the lighting conditions. There are so many different conditions, fluoresecent warm to cool tubes, halogen, daylight sunny and cloudy, incadescent blubs and now led lighting which all emit different colour. There is no easy solution but a good start is an industry standard, which just happens to be D50 or more commonly known as daylight.
Exposition Zing

Here are images from a project we produced for Strategy Design and Advertising. CPIT were an exhibitor at the Careers Expo 2010. These eye-catching murals are a part of the job that we produced. They pretty much speak for themselves.