Tag: vehicle graphics
To Cover... Or Not?

Picture this... You've got an awesome design on your company vehicle, and then you find out to your shock the car is not legal when you get your next WOF. Vehicle types MA, MB, MC and NA means a lot when it comes to vehicle graphics. Many passenger cars will not meet WOF regulations with decals on windows. We've done our share of research and question asking to highlight some passenger vehicle basics of what you need to know about what you plan to cover.
Did Someone Say Cookies?

We produced this cool signage work for Cookie Time. It includes the massive cookie that sits above their Factory Shop and some nifty vehicle wraps that do nothing but grab your attention. Check out the images of the final products below.
Use Our Wheels

Don't get stuck ‘in’ when getting your vehicle wrapped! Booking your vehicle for signwriting with Adgraphix doesn't mean you'll have to spend the whole day unproductive in the office - instead of out on the road where you'd rather to be. Have a normal day by taking full advantage of our Holden Equinox courtesy vehicle which is all yours for the time it takes to signwrite your wheels, subject to availability and T&C's.
That's A Standout

Garden Box had refreshed branding and a huge amount of canvas to put it on show. They wanted to make a statement, and for their brand to really stand out. We identified areas where they could maximise brand exposure with a range of products that could slot easily into their environment. The end result was outstanding.
Judging Books By Covers

We all know the classic line aye... "Don't judge a book by its cover" - but like it or not, we make judgements every day. We prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone, whether it be people, cars, food, shops, signage or business brands. Some of us care more than others about who and what we are choosing, but we all make decisions on these judgements based on what we have seen.
Whatever Spins Your Wheels

We've been getting through a few vehicles lately. These pics are examples of different businesses using their cars, vans and trucks to get brand awareness up. There is a lot of real estate on a vehicle to get a message across. You can go as simple as having just your name, either simply placed or screaming out for attention. Throw some details on, show what you do, the choice is yours. We can talk you through what works and what doesn't, providing mock-ups before work proceed. You might be surprised how cost effective this advertising is.