Archive: 1, 2015

Pixels At A Distance

Posted on July 31, 2015 at 12:00 AM

IMG Pixels 1b

This is always a hot topic in digital print... just how many pixels does an image need to get a good result? Rather than let you rely on taking our word for it, we've run a series of prints so you can see for yourself. We have done a range of prints from 10ppi to 300ppi to demonstrate exactly what a print at a specific resolution will look like. The results are quite interesting.

Tags: technology, Articles, quality control,

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3D Logos Made Easy

Posted on July 8, 2015 at 12:00 AM

IMG Routered 8

Here's a feature I've put together to illustrate what's involved when we install a routered logo onto an internal wall. There are many ways to produce dimensional logos for applications like this. For this example we have used painted 10mm acrylic, which provides a really smart finish. See the steps below.

Tags: Signage, 3D signs,

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