Tag: information signs
Pre-flight Yoga Anyone?

We like to think were a pretty chilled out lot, and capable of performing well under pressure. Some might say we've got an inner printing, signage and display peace??? Okay we'll make the link to Yoga and meditation here. Our good friends at Christchurch International Airport had a wee project to turn a corner of the international departure lounge into a stretch and relax flight preparation zone. With legs crossed and our thinking hats on we came up with solutions to see the concept come to life. Absolute beginners to seasoned professionals will feel right at home in this fantastic space for yoga, pilates or meditation.
Earthquake Memorial Space

St Andrews College came to us to produce large wall murals for their Museum space. We've got a long history producing this type of work and it was a breeze working with them to come up with the right solution to make it look fantastic.
Great Ape Signage

Orana Park needed some interpretation signage for their newest visitor attraction. Here is what we did to make the centre informative and have a bright visual impact.
Visiting Reefton

This is a cool project we completed recently. Next time you're headed to, or through Reefton, shoot into the visitor centre and learn a bit about this part of the country. Jeff and Jono travelled over for a few days to put this display work together. Check out the pictures below.
Stand Back!

This ranger can do what no other ranger can. Stand still on the spot 24/7. These images are of signs recently installed at Franz Josef Glacier to keep it's visitors informed and safe. The signs and lifesize cutout are manufactured to withstand the demanding environment. For more information about our interpretation signage options click here.