Dressing Up The Aisles

We all love a project that goes like clockwork. Sometimes simplicity really is the key. We were asked to come up with a simple system that could be easily used by a number of stores throughout the country. Fortunately we have a large diversity of products and manufacturing capability, so coming up with the right system was well within our means. Creative thinking, happy customer - sweet as.
Event: Instore Purina promotion
What we did:
We supplied corflute that was cut to shape for the isle ends, made for the supermarket staff to change out themselves easily.
What they said:
FreshChoice partner relationship provides eye catching POS
As part of the working partnership with Adgraphix, all twenty five of FreshChoice supermarkets were provided a POS package for the latest supplier promotion with Purina ONE.
The package includes a very successful dense end fit out designed by a team approach with Jeff and Jo from Adgraphix, Simon Thornley from Mustard Design and Liz de Lange from FreshChoice Supermarkets.
Liz de Lange says the feedback from supermarket owners is "this is right on the mark'. The dense end fit out is not only highly visible but also only takes 10 minutes to install and is very durable. In addition the new entry form box for the Purina ONE campaign is a very cost effective solution to create a bespoke box that is meet our agreements with the supplier.
Liz de Lange, Brands Manager, FreshChoice SuperValue Supermarkets