Laugh Till Your Cheeks Hurt

Posted on February 23, 2016 at 12:12 AM

IMG Busker16 4 v2

Once again we were heavily involved with the SCIRT World Buskers Festival held here in Christchurch. We've been providing printing and signage for many years and this year we are proud to have had our own stage - the Adgraphix Stage. We wanted to show you all the exciting printing and signage we did for this 2016 event - except we forgot to get out and take some photos. Below are some pics we managed to scrape together. I think the festival was so damn good all of our focus was on the entertainment and not our task at hand!

Event: SCIRT World Buskers Festival 2016

For the past 23 years, the SCIRT WORLD BUSKERS FESTIVAL has aimed to stretch its wings, expand its programme, and work within and around sometimes challenging circumstances, to present the people of Christchurch with the best buskers festival in the world.

The 2016 SCIRT WORLD BUSKERS FESTIVAL offered a programme of events that showcased the very best of the best! They've enlisted 67 amazing street performers, comedians, fringe artists, musicians and visual artists that are destined to leave you mesmerised and in awe. Whether you're a fan of highly skilled acrobatics, hoola-hoopers, trapeze artists, musicians, dancers, circus and vaudeville skits, burlesque or you're simply out for a good belly laugh - they've got it all!
In addition to one of the best street performance talent line ups they had some fantastic indoor shows.

As always, and true to the streets from which they came, the 'street' shows ran daily with performances in BUSKER PARK on the L&P STAGE, ADGRAPHIX STAGE  and SCIRT STAGE, as well as bringing the BUSKERS KID PITCH onto the main site. They returned to the Arts Centre with the Market Square Stage, all culminating with over two hours of hilarity during the festival's very own SCIRT BUSKER COMEDY CLUB  - a variety show unlike any other!


Adgraphix has been involved with the World Buskers Festival for nine years and this year we had our own “Adgraphix Stage”


What we did:
We supplied a large range of signage and displays for the event, including fence wrap, corflute, acm panels, pvc banners and foam pvc cut-outs.

What they said:
2016 was the year that Adgraphix took centre stage at the World Buskers Festival - literally, with a stage in the heart of the park. Situated in the hospitality hub the Adgraphix stage proved a huge hit with over 25,000 people enjoying the shows, sun, shade and food on offer...considering this was over the five days it wasn't raining that's impressive.


John, Jeff, Jo and the team are exceptional. Their work goes beyond expectations with the level of detail, creativity and knowledge they deliver to clients, as well as the outstanding range of products they are able offer. On top of all this they are great people and a pleasure to work with.

The World Buskers Festival is all about creating unforgettable experiences and memories, and in 2016 Adgraphix helped make this possible. Let’s do it all again in 2017!

Glen Pickering, Festival Director, SCIRT World Buskers Festival


Tags: Fence wrap, event signage, banners, Signage,