Yep... Fifteen

We've just turned 15 - Happy Birthday Adgraphix!!! During our humble beginnings back in March 1999 sporting just two of us, we had no idea we'd be here in March 2014 with twenty-one... and growing! It all started with one digital printer and a lot of passion. We're now one of the best facilities for large fomat digital print in New Zealand and we have a top notch full service signshop to support it. We've got a great team and great customers - long may that continue.
Here's a few pics dragged out from the family photo album.
The first logo - The Eyecandy bevel filter was the 'hot thing' of the day.
First prints - Drum scanned tranny of a photo of the original just to get it digital - how we had to do things back then! That's an Encad Novajet Pro 600e - lot's of memories of boiled heads and very slow prints on todays standards! It served us well though.
Woody - Man that van got some attention. Printed with the first solvent printer in Christchurch. This was quite a rare site to see a full vehicle wrap. We even made it into an internation sign magazine - 2001.
First move - We came to Iversen Terrace in 2002. We thought we'd never outgrow that place.
Ada our old mascot- She was pretty cool at the time - 2005. See her on YouTube here>>
The joy of moving - Up and running and waiting for the builders to finish the offices. What a mess it was, but we got the network running and the machines printing in a day - 2007.
We were one of the first companies in NZ to get into new 'high-tech' flatbed printing, it was quite mind blowing stuff back then to chuck a piece of anything on the bed and print on it - 2005.
The South Islands first 5m grand format printer arrives - 2007.
Posing for some advertising with our new flatbed printer in 2008. I think I'm safe to say it must be near the end of Movember that this shot was taken.
More technology - a new digital cutter during installation.
Printers galore in 2011.
The John and John show - themeing the Rugby World Cup Fan Zone. 2011
Daryl having words with Ritchie. 2011
Amanda in prepress sporting red today. 2011
Back when it was a team of 8 - break up day BBQ. 2007
Scott playing with colour, again. 2007
Jeff wondering - what if??? 2005
Directors shopping at the HP printer demo centre in Hong Kong 2008. Yes we bought one.
On a boat - Break up day 2012 on the harbour. Our first experience feeling an earthquake on water.
Good dedication from Daryl - even if he got stuck in the way of the grader! 2011
Jetboat Jo - a fun morning out in 2013.
Most of the girls 2014.
Farewell for Amanda - 2014
The boys doing the post earthquake clean-up. 2011
That horrible silt - It just doesn't go away! 2011
The print factory on Buchan Street. 2012